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Maltese - Shelby! 


Just wanted to let you know that Shelby is doing great.  We took her to the vet today and he said that she was as healthy as she could possibly be.  Friday night she was so sweet and Sunday she came out of her shell and started running around and barking and playing and chasing our Maltepoo around.  She is eating good and going to the bathroom good.  We can tell that you have really taken good care of her.  I am attaching a picture of her and Snowy our Maltepoo.  Thank you for a great puppy!

Karen J.

Dothan, AL.

Good Evening:

I am not sure if you remember me, but i purchased a maltipoo from you about a year and a half ago.ybson and his friends met you amd picked her up fr you   We initially named Her Daisy nut changed the name to Ella.  I just eantwd to let you know she is doing great and brings us soooooo much joy and happiness. She has the best ersonality and hasy hisbamd wrapped aroumd her little paw, which is really no small thimg to do as he qas raised on a farm and for theost part is indifferent to animals. He isnt mean or cruel to them, but for theost part is not overly affectionate towards them. He indulges my love of dogs basically. Well, i should say normally he is indifferent. Ella has made a chamged man out of him. He adores her amd
Insisye if we leave town we take he with is and not leae her with family. He spoils her souch. Je hand feeds her. It is so cite to see this big 6"2 guy cuddling with this 7 pound little dog.  She is hars to resist though. She is not only about the most adorable little dog ever, but she also has the silliest, cutest personality.

Anyway, i just wanted to thank you for basically my Best friend. She has made my having to stay in bed this past uear due to do being very sick, bearable   I would mot had survives this incredible difficult year without her .  I jad lost your contact information so i was not anle to give you any updates. I am sending you some recent photos. Because of being sick this past uear i was mot able to work and of course things have been tight. However, as soon as i can afford to I will ne purchasing another puppy from you. My son whose lab we watch while he is attending FSU will be going to live with him soon. I want to jave two dogs. I want ella to have a playmate and i si want to make sure the. Ext dog i get comes from your kennel.

Thank you again for my beautiful Ella.
I hope you stay in the breeding business long enough for me to be anle to purchase either anotheraltipoo or toy pmerainian pr pompoo.

I hope it does your heart good to know you are doing such a worthwhile business.

Thank you, 
Carol R. and Ella.

P.s.  pictures to follow

Tiny Toy Pomeranian - Teddy!


"Hi Karen,

Thanks for the help/advise regarding Teddy's

undescended testicle!!

For a quick update, we brought him home on Easter

weekend (see pic) and he has fully made himself a

part of the family!!  He is quite playful and

engaging.  He loves Lily Belle and really WANTS

to love the cat....  she allows him close

sometimes.  He is a prankster, dancer, prancer

and clown - you just cant help but smile when

he's on a roll!!!

He is almost out of his gangly teenage time and

looking more like a little man....  enjoy the


Regards and Pomie kisses!!

Kim D.

Pensacola, FL"

Morkie - Bogie (on right)


Updated pictures of Bella!


"HI Karen!


About two years ago I bought a pom puppy from you, her name is Bella :) I just got married a month ago so she lives with me and my husband, we love her to death!!! She is the light of our lives! Always happy, super playful and incredibly sweet! I can't thank you enough for letting her come into our lives! Btw, Bella is the sister of Taz :)


We hope you enjoy the pics of Bella throughout the past two years! 


Jessica and Dan"

Tiny Toy Pomeranian - Jack!

Jack in his new home :)


"Hi again Karen!


Just wanted to give you an update on the puppy. We named him "Jack" and he is getting along swimmingly with everyone. He hates being in his crate, even if everyone is there in the house and he has company! (We put him there so he can eat his food without interruption and if we need to go run an errand). Other than that I have pretty much carried him everywhere! That's the only time he doesn't whine is if I'm holding him.

:)I thought for a minute that my Mom was gong to steal him from me because she fell in love with him as soon as she saw him. He fell asleep on her shoulder pretty much as soon as she picked him up. He likes to boing boing boing after my kids when they're playing, so he looks like a little jack-rabbit.My other dog, the German Shepherd, has warmed up to him somewhat as well. We still have extremely supervised time with them together, but he likes to stand directly over the puppy (like he's guarding it or something) and sniff it like crazy. :)So far, the only one who says he (still) doesn't like it is my husband...but that's because he says he doesn't like small dogs. However, I did catch him petting him, letting him snuggle up to him and playing with him. I told him to give it time. Jack's personaltiy is AWESOME. He has the greatest little personality, and I LOVE watching him wiggle his way around following everyone to see what they're doing. Maybe I should have named him Shadow? LOL

Anyways-thank you again for him! I absolutely ADORE him, and I wish I could take him everywhere with me...even to work! I will be sure to send you pictures when he is older.

Thanks again,

Amanda E. L.

Pensacola, FL."

Malte-Poo - Sofie!


 ...By the way we chose Sofie and she is adapting well.  She is so fun and learns so fast.  I am very happy we got her.  THank you so much.


Timothy H.
Panama City, FL"

Updated picture of Sophie!


"Thought you might like to see how she has been doing so here is a recent photo of her."

Tiny Toy Pomeranian Male - Peppermint Monroe!

Updated picture of Peppermint Monroe


"He is doing great! We love him so much!! He has two girlfriends and he thinks he is the king. He has the most cutest personality ever, he's bossy, sassy, and funny.

Jennifer and Family

Panama City Beach, FL"

Updated pictures of Bogie! 


"Hi Karen,


I just wanted to share pictures of one of your puppies. He is now one & a half. He is the most wonderful dog. Thank you for raising such great puppies.


Thanks again,


Sarah H. & Bogie"

I just wanted to send you a new picture of my Morkie, Bogie.  He came from your kennel and is now 4 yrs. old today.  He is pictured on your "Pictures of puppies past" page, the 3rd one down on the left. 
He is such a great dog.  Here are pictures of him today & his Maltese rescued brother, Einstein. 
Thanks so much for Bogie.
Sarah P

Pup on right



"Hello. I had purchased a toy pomeranian from you about 3 years ago. She is doing great. I have been watching your site for some time now, because i would like to purchase another one. I prefer a female toy. I saw the beautiful boy on your page, and that you wrote you have more on the way. Will there be any toys? Please keep me in mind if/when you do.

Thank you,


Sandy W. Milton, FL"

Malte-poo male - Marcel!



"Hi Karen;


I just wanted to give you an update on Marcel. the Maltepoo we got this past Tuesday. He travelled well back to Pensacola; slept most of the way. We went on his first shopping spree at Petsmart, and got his food, leash and harness, bed, toys, etc. Yesterday morning, we paid a visit to the vet; he got his second round of shots, and got a Healthy Boy remark from his new frien. Didn't blink an eye, our little soldier. He's due back in three weeks. But best of all is his behavior at home. Follows me everywhere, and plays with the other dogs in the house as if they knew each other from birth. Of course, play time is well supervised. He's eating with good appetite, and sleeps in his crate all night long. As you can see, Marcel has given us love, and is receiving multiples of it back.




Magdalena R.

Pensacola, FL"

Toy Pomeranian Males - Taz! (On right.)

Updated picture of Taz!


"hello, my names lizz. i bought a puppy from you like 4 months ago. i got a blue brindle toy pomeranian born on july 12th. well he is doing awesome i love him sooo much, and he has turned out to be so gorgeuos. i was wondering if you still had a copy of the baby pic of him you had online. i broke my camera and have no more puppy pics of him. if you do that would be awesome.

thank you so much,


Teacup Yorkshire Terrier/Pomeranian (Oops!) - Coco



"Hey. This is Bobbi and I bought the yorkie/pom from you a few months ago. 
Here's some photos of coco. She's the most playful puppy I've ever had. She's definitely my pride and joy. 

Thought you might like to see some photos of her--she now has all her shots and weighs just over 3 lbs.


Bobbi H.

Ft. Walton, FL."

Yorkshire Terrier male (on right) - Josey

Toy Pomeranian



At Hardees when you held him out to me....he had me at hello!

I bought him for our daughter who turned 16--she (AND HER SISTER) went bonkers over the little guy! 
He is fitting right in with our lifestyle, and even the other dog has warmed up to him and they are so cute together; also the cat and the new puppy have begun touching noses. Vet apt. next week.
Even the bathroom routine is working out surprisingly well--I've done the wipe-up w/paper towel and placed it in the outdoors designated potty area and the little pup totally "gets it" and is doing just right.

I may be sending more customers your way in the coming months because already 2 families we know have expressed an interest.

We've never had a breed this small, and never had a pomeranian before.
Yours look much healthier than what we've seen in pet shops.
Plus, this little guy is major affectionate, it makes all the difference that your kids loved on him and that he didn't leave home too early.
I am so fond of him, I think it's his "personality" that has just spoken to me so--he seems so thrilled with us and his new home.
I feel he will be a great dog :)

Thanks thanks thanks so much for all.

Will send you a photo when he's a year old. 

karren d.
thomasville, georgia"

Updated picture of Josey!


"Hi Karen,
Take a look at my Little Man. He's such a cutie. I just want to thank you for being careful with what you do. I'm so grateful I did my research and found you. I think this little boy is going to turn out to be a really handsome Yorkie. He's on track to be 5.5 lbs. His hair is mostly straight and slick an I think he's going to have a bit of blue on his head. Look at his ears!

Anyway, just wanted to say Thanks!

Lynne G., Jacksonville FL

Updated picture of Josey!


"Hi Karen,


Thought you might like to see a picture of my little man. He's adorable. I love him so much. He got his neutering last week and he is just doing so well! He was 4 lbs 7 oz on Friday 24th. Hope you like it!

Thank you,

Lynne G."

Teacup Yorkshire Terrier - Sophiea



"hey karen this is renee just letting u know that sophiea is doing great and is very loved she is about 2 lbs now but still very small and so sweat we will be sending pic to you very soon

Renee B.

Pensacola, FL"

Malte-Poo - Conner!

Updated picture of Conner!




Love our addition to our family. Conner is the happiest puppy. Full of life and independent. I swear he is the smartest dog ever. He knows all kind of tricks and loves everyone he meets. We are so blessed to have him. Thank you so much. Hope this email finds you well.


Jason, Ashley, and Conner"

Malte-Poo - Lily Belle!


"Hi Karen,

Just wanted to let you know Lily Belle is doing just fine. She has adjusted nicely to her new home and to her sisters. She has bonded with Zoey and they spent all their time playing. Zoey plays very gentle with her almost comical to watch Lily has learned to use the indoor potty with no problems and has only had two 'accidents'. 
She's an adorable puppy and things are going great. 
Have a great week."

Updated picture of Lily-Belle!


"Hi Karen,

Just an update... Lily Belle has blossomed into a wonderful little puppy. She now weighs a whooping 3.5 lbs and is just adorable. She's very quite and not a barker at all... she lets the other two 'sister's' do all the barking. She loves to take a bath and has learned to sit, roll over, turn around, sit pretty, lie down and go to bed. I really love her."


Hi Karen,
Lily's now 1 year old. My how time flies! She's adorable and a much loved 
puppy. She and her 'sisters' rule the roost here but all in all she's my most 
behaved, and quiet, dog.
Thanks Karen. She truly is a joy!

Nadine W.,

Gainesville, FL

Pomeranian - Tobie!


"Hi Karen I wanted to give up an update on the male pom I bought last month. 

He is doing great. He went to vet this a.m. for 2nd set of shots. He weighs 2.2 lbs He is eating well as you can tell. He is very sweet and has a sweet disposition. Even the vet commented on his disposition. He doesn't whine when we put him in the kennel. - even the first nite! I have never had a pup that didn't "raise the roof" the first nite with us :) 

We all love him and he loves us. He has brought us much joy and many smiles in the last two weeks. By the way - we named him Tobie. 

Have a great weekend and I will continue to keep you updated. I need to make pics so I can send you one. We are out for spring break next week so hopefully I will get to that!


Julie W.,

Bainbridge, GA"

Shih-Tzu - Meme!

Updated picture of Meme!




Well, it's been a whole year now and we love our Shih-tzu. We named her Mia and we call her Meme. She is the love of our life and we could not be happier. She has such a good disposition and loves children. We have three other dogs and have never had such a happy fun loving dog as this one. I would love to get another puppy someday and I will drive back down to Florida to get one from you Karen. Thanks again for what you do.

Bruce and Carol S.
Douglas, Michigan"

Yorkie-Poo - Louie!

Updated picture of Louie!



"Hi Karen,


Thank you again for our new puppy...we named him Louie!! I just wanted to share a recent picture of Louie with his Christmas outfit. He is the sweetest puppy ever and is very well mannered. We all love to spoil him!!


Fabiola, E.

Cape Coral, FL"

Pomeranian - Nollie!

Updated picture of Nollie!



"Well, Nollie has been a joy! She is a very hyper and adventerous little pup. She always looks like she has a little smile on her face too.
I just can't thank you enough for bringing me the little angel. My whole family loves her and she definately has some spunk in her. She beats up on our bigger dog all the time, and oh yes she believes that she towers over him at all times! haha but you have given me a chance to experience the joy of having a beautiful, loyal, and cute daughter-like figure.. She's a mess but I love her, and I thank you so much for letting me have her to sleep with me at night.. Karen you amaze me! :) Thank you so much!


Christy F.

Baker, FL"

Pomeranian - Nola!

Updated picture of Nola!




"Just wanted to send you some pictures of my little girl NOLA. She's a year old this month and she is so adorable and a just a sweetheart!

Lindsey C.

Tallahassee, FL."

Westie - Yoda!





Just want to let you know our first 24 hours has been great with Yoda. He is a very intelligent and loving puppy. I really appreciate all you did to help fulfill a christmas wish this year.

Thank you so much,



Dothan, AL."

Updated picture of "Yoda"




Just wanted to send you a pic of Yoda. He is one amazing little dog. As you see in the pic, he is all dressed up for Christmas. We hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe Christmas!



Dothan, AL"

Pomeranian - Brandt! (Middle Pup)

Updated picture of Brandt!


"Hey there I just wanted to let you know that Brandt is doing GREAT! Hes gotten a bit spoiled off treats due to the fact that he can sit and shake hands!!!! He's so smart we sit and play with him together at night and you can say sit to him and he backs up 2 steps and sits then say shake and he lifts his paw to do it then he lays down and rolls on his back wanting u to rub his belly and give him his treat, haha its soooooo adoreable since he is so small...we are constently telling people about you and your site...We couldnt have found anyone better to get our little family members from they came from love and are loved now as well...Thank you so much for everything...


Amanda and Brandon

Pensacola, FL"

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